Montag, 14. Juli 2014

Carrot-Orange Soup with Shrimps

I got these recipe from the Frankfurter Book Fair. They were handig out samples in edible soup bowls.

Of course they were rather stingy with the shrimps. But really the original recipe didn't demand all that many, especially if you consider the amount of the soup. So I changed it up to my taste. Less soup, more shrimps.


Carrot-Orange Soup with Shrimps

1 leek
800 g carrots
200 g potatoes, floury
200 ml orange juice, more according to taste
500 ml vegetable broth
120 ml milk, more according to taste
500 g shrimps
1 garlic clove
olive oil

1. Wash the shrimps and dab them dry. Cut the shrimps into smaller pieces.
2. Peel the garlic clove and mince it.
3. Heat some oil in frying pan. Fry the shrimps with the garlic. Leave them for later.
4. Cut the green leafs and the root of the leek. Wash it thorougly and dry it.
5. Cut the leek into ca.0,5 cm thick slices. Put them in a big sauce pan.
6. Peel the carrots and the potatoes.
7. Cut the carrots into thin slices and add them to the leek.
8. Cut the potatoes into rough relatively small pieces. Put them into the sauce pan.
9. Add some oil and season with salt and pepper. Fry the vegetables for a few minutes. Make sure you don't let the leek scorch.
10. Add the vegetable broth and the 200 ml orange juice.
11. Cover the sauce pan and let it simmer over a medium-high heat for 20-25 minutes.
12. Take the sauce pan of the stove. Blend the vegetables with a blender shaft.
13. Add the milk and blend it in. Depending on how thin you like your soup you can add more milk and/or orange juice.
14. Season with salt, pepper and curry.
15. Add the shrimp to the soup and stir it in.

Bon appétit!!

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