Freitag, 9. Mai 2014

The Love to Cupcakes & Tea

So a little introduction. My Name is Julia. I live in Germany, Wiesbaden to be exact. And what's most importen for this blogg, I love to cook and bake.

I admit that I am a little messy and chaotic during the cooking. And not everything turns out like it should or how I planed it. None the less the end product is rather good. At least most of the time.
One reason for it is that I make most of the recipes only one or two times. There are just so many things I want to try out but hardly enough time for it.

Regardless of the name, I will not only post cupcake recipes. There will be all kinds of desserts, salads, dishes with meat or fish, or really just anything that strikes my fancy.
More often then not I alter the recipes to my taste. I will try to post the link to the original source if it's something I found on the net.

The idea for the name of my Blogg came from my water kattle. It's really cute. Looks like a teapot. On the side is a picture of cupcakes and "We love Cupcakes and Tea" is written over it.
I thought it was kinda perfect for me. I love cupcakes, really who doesn't, and I especially looooove tea.
I created the Header extra to fit the name. My favorite part of it is the cherry. I gotta say that worked out rather well.

And lastly I would like to excuse my spelling. Like I said at the beginning I am German and english is not my first language. I don't think I'm that terrible or even that bad at it. But I'm not really good either.
I use the online translator rather often. I hope it will get better over time.
If you see something that needs corrections just tell me. That can only help me in the end.

Well I hope you will like the recipes and especially what I make of them.

Bon appétit!!

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