Donnerstag, 22. Mai 2014

Risotto verde with cherry tomatoes

This recipe is perfect for a supper in the summer. The parmesan makes it a little heavy. That's why I reduced the amount of the original recipe. It should be better now.
I really like that the preparations for this risotto are quite simple. The most work you have is the cutting of the scallions, broccoli and sugar snaps.

As I started to eat I got the idea to leave the tomatoes on the branch. It would have looked great on the photo. Of cause that's just for the aesthetics.

Apropos aesthetics, it's quite annoying that I always have to make the picture before I can actually eat what I made. It's alright if it's something you eat cold or lukewarm. Like cupcakes, cake, salads and so on. But a supper that should be eaten hot or at least warm? Just annoying.
I am doing this out of my own free will, so I really shouldn't complain. Especially because I like to have these picture of my dishes.
So it's not all bad.


Risotto verde with cherry tomatoes


130 g peas, frozen
a bunch of scallions
2 garlic cloves
ca. 250 g broccoli
120 g sugar snaps
250 g risotto rice
100 ml white wine, dry
1,2 l vegetable broth
80 g parmesan
2 tbsp butter
olive oil

1. Let the peas thaw.
2. Wash the scallions. Cube the white part. Cut the green part into 5 mm thick slanting rings.
3. Skin the garlic cloves and mince them.
4. Wash the broccoli and cut it into small florets.
5. Wash the sugar snaps and cut them into 2-3 cm big slanting pieces.
6. Heat the oil in a big sauce pan. Braise the garlic and the white scallions lightly in it.
7. Add the rice and braise it briefly.
8. Deglaze it with the white wine. Simmer it until it's thicker. Season it with salt and pepper.
9. Gradually add the hot vegetable broth. Stir frequently.
10. From the first time the broth was added it should be let to simmer for about 25 minutes.
11. 10 minutes before the cooking time ends add the broccoli, peas and sugar snaps. Stir everything together.
12. Grate the parmesan.
13. In the last minute add the green scallions, the parmesan and the butter. Stir everything together and take the pan of the stove.
14. Season the rice with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg. 


500 g cherry tomatoes
olive oil

1. Wash the tomatoes.
2. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan.
3. Roast the tomatoes for a few minutes in the pan.
4. Season with salt and pepper.

Serve the tomatoes with the rice.

Bon appétit!!

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