Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014

Baked Zucchini Sticks

I wasn't really impressed with the sticks. I've seen them a few times online and always wanted to try them out. I thought they would be crispy, kinda like fries. But they were rather soft.
The panko didn't stick all that well to the sticks. And after a while the eggs made the panko mix rather lumpy.

On the plus side, they went well with the Greek Style Zucchini Salad.


Baked Zucchini Sticks

500 g zucchini
1/2 cup panko bread crumbs
1/2 cup parmesan
1 tsp oregano
1 egg

1. Wash and dry the zucchini.
2. Cut the zucchini into sticks, about 10 cm long.
3. Grate the parmesan.
4. Combine the panko, the parmesan and the oregano.
5. Season the zucchini with salt and pepper.
6. Beat the egg lightly.
7. Pre-heat the oven to 215°C/425°F.
8. Put baking parchment on a baking sheet.
9. Turn the sticks first in the egg and than in the panko mix.
10. Place the zucchini sticks on the baking sheet, skin side down.
11. Bake the sticks for 20-25 minutes, until the panko turns a light gold-brown color.

Serve with marinara sauce or the Greek Styled Zucchini Salad.

Bon appétit!!

Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014

Greek Style Zucchini Salad

This salad is great for the summer. Fresh and light. An ideal side dish for a barbecue. And you can make it the day before, so you have less stress.

I even called my mom to give her the recipe. Cause I know it's something she and my dad would like and they have lots of zucchinis growing in their garden.
The call was actually kinda funny. My mom wanted to try it out immediately. And was upset cause she didn't have any lemons.
"And dad was just grocery shopping. If I had known. Than I could make it now!" ... "If I just had lemons." ... and it went like that for a few minutes. And then "Mom do you have scallions?" "No." "The cheese?" "No." "So, you actually only have the zucchini."

I doubled the quantity. Cause I only had big zucchinis from my parents garden. I didn't want to leave a cut piece. But really it's not so much, particularly if you make it for a barbecue.


Greek Style Zucchini Salad

Salad Ingredients

500 g zucchini
2 tbsp chives
2 tbsp dill
1/2 tsp mint, dry
2 scallions
250 g feta
2 tsp salt

1. Wash and dab the zucchini dry.
2. Grate the zucchini. Don't make it to fine.
3. Put the zucchini in a colander. Salt it and leave it for at least 20 minutes.
4. Carefully squeeze out the excess water and put the zucchini into a bowl.
5. Wash and dry the chives. Cut them into thin slices. Add the chives to the zucchini.
6. Mince the dill. Add it to the zucchini.
7. Wash and dab the scallions dry. Cut them into slices and add them to the zucchini.
8. Crumble the feta and add them to the zucchini.
9. Add the mint.
10. Carefully mix everything together.


2 tbsp olive oil
1/2 lemon, juice and zest
3 garlic cloves

1. Press out the garlic cloves.
2. Combine the oil, the juice, the zest and the garlic in a small bowl.
3. Season with pepper.

To Assemble


1. Pour the dressing over the salad and mix everything together.
2. If necessary add some more salt.
3. Allow the salad to infuse in the fridge for at least a few hours, better over night.

Bon appétit!!

Sonntag, 20. Juli 2014


A paska is a typical russian easter dessert. It's a cake made out of yeast dough with raisins in it. It can be in all kinds of different sizes. They are glaced with royal icing and decorated with sugar sprinkles.

When I was still a child my aunt and grandma always made them to easter. The easter holidays are some of my beloved childhood memories.
Back then we used empty cans, for example from canned peaches and the like. It's actually quite practical and cheap. And it makes the end results more interesting, cause the finished paskas have different sizes.
Another way is to use coffee cups. But I am not taking responsibility if you use your favorite mug and something goes wrong.
I took a more fashionable way and used a muffin pan.

After many, many years without, my mom and I tried our hand at them.
The end result was tasty but sadly not all that pretty.
During the hole preparation we had to call my aunt three or four times to ask for help. I think my aunt can make them in her sleep. But that's just the problem. Some things are just self-evident for her, she doesn't even realise that she has to say them. But my mom and I, we are total noobs. We need it step by step.
That they turned out too small wasn't actually our mistake. My aunt has her cups and cans she used for years and knows exactly how much dough to put in them. But wasn't so sure how much to put in a different dish. Well 1/3 was not enough.

You should have a lot of time when you make these. The work you put in the dough isn't actually all that much, even if it needs some brawn. But the waiting between the different steps is quite long and annoying.

My mom has two oven. Which is great when you have to bake a few things at ones.
The dough should be baked directly after the last step. We made a lot of dough and needed both of them.
We used a muffin pan, a cup, a cake pan and a silicon loaf pan. The silicon pan isn't all that suitable for paska. The sides and the bottom don't get brown enough. When they get the right color the top is already too dark.

So this is my second try. And I think I have figured out all the flaws.
They didn't turn out perfect, but all in all it were just small mistakes. I think I'm ready for easter.

As opposed to my mother I only have one oven, but I figured out a way  to bake the hole dough at once.
I used a muffin pan, a 19 cm cake pan and two cups. After they were finished I realised that the muffin and cake pan would have been enough. And I think it would even be just right for two muffin pans. Maybe I try that next time.

The dough needs to raise at about 38°C/100°F. The lowest setting on my oven is 50°C/120°F. I solved the problem by adjusting the oven to 50°C/120°F and then leaving the oven door half open the hole time. I checked every so often with a cooking thermometer, that the temperature is about right.

At the end I forgot to make the royal icing while the paska was baking. So I could ice them as soon as they come out of the oven. When I started they were only lukewarm and now the icing breakes of the paska if I cut it or bite into it. It doesn't cling to the dough.

They actually taste better the next day. And they are good for several days. After about 4 day they get rather dry, but you can just cut them into bite-size pieces and eat them with tea.




50 g margarine
500 ml milk
16 g dry yeast
180 g sugar
3 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
200 g raisins
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp oil
700-1000 g flour

1. Carefully melt the margarine in the microwave and put it aside for later.
2. Warm the milk to lukewarm.
3. Lightly mix the milk, the yeast and 2 tbsp of sugar together. Leave the mixture for about 10 minutes.
4. Mix the eggs and the rest of the sugar in a big bowl together. For about 1-2 minutes.
5. Add the milk-mixture, the salt, the raisins, the cinnamon, the oil and about a cup of the flour to the egg-sugar-mixture. Blend everything together with a wooden spoon.
6. Keep adding the flour cup by cup until you can no longer blend it with the spoon.
7. Generously dust a working surface with flour. Put the dough on the surface.
8. Add more flour to the dough and knead it by hand. Keep doing that until the dough is no longer sticky. But be careful not to add to much flour so it doesn't become to firm.
9. Put the dough into a fresh bowl. The bowl should be rather big, at least 2-3 times bigger then the dough.
10. Pre-heat the oven to 38°C/100°F (If the lowest setting on your oven is 50°C/120°F, read how to do that in the comments at the top).
11. Add the margarine and knead it in by hand. Knead the dough until the margarine is completely incorporated and the dough is no longer sticky.
12. Form the dough to a ball and leave it in the bowl. Cover the bowl with a microwave cover and put a clean kitchen towel over it. You could use a plastic wrap instead of the microwave cover, but the microwave cover doesn't interfere with the raising dough.
13. Put the bowl into the oven, on a baking sheet or a baking rack on the lowest position, and let the dough raise until it is 2 - 2 1/2 its original size. It takes about 60-80 minutes.
14. Take the bowl out of the oven. Push the dough in with your fist and let the air out.
15. Cover the bowl again and put it back in the oven. Let the dough raise again. The second time is quicker, about 50-60 minutes.
16. Grease the pans with margarine, butter or cooking spray.
17. Fill the pans to 3/4 with dough. Grease your hands a little, so the dough won't stick to them. Tear out portions of the dough, try to get the right amount at one go. Pull the dough to a ball. Make the top as smooth as possible, cause it will stay like this. Especially with the cake pan you should make sure to really form a ball or the end result will be too flat.
18. Put a baking sheet at the bottom position of the oven and a baking rack in the middle. Put the muffin pan on the rack, place it wholly on the left or right side. Put the cake pan on the sheet, place it on the opposite side to the muffin pan. This way both pans will get heat from the top and the bottom.
19. Let the dough raise again, but this time uncovered. It will take 30-40 minutes.
20. Close the oven door and set it to 180°C/360°F.
21. Bake for 10 minutes, possibly turn the muffin pan if the dough doesn't bake evenly. Swap the places of the two pans. This way the muffins will get more heat from the bottom and the cake will get a nice dark gold-brown color at the top.
22. Bake the muffins for 3 more minutes and the cake for 5 minutes.

The finished paskas should be dark gold-brown on top and light gold-brown on the sides.

Royal Icing 

2 egg whites
250 g icing sugar
5 g citric acid

1. Whisk the egg whites until they are stiff.
2. Add half of the sugar and beat it in.
3. Add the rest of the sugar and the citric acid and beat it in.

To Assemble

Sprinkles of your choice

1. The icing should be finished when the pans come out of the oven.
2. Take the cakes out of the pans and put them on a cooling rack. Keep going, don't let them cool down!!
3. Dip the top of the cakes into the icing, let the superfluous icing drip of. Use a spoon to spread the icing on the bigger cake.
4. Take a break every few cakes to decorate them with the sprinkles. If you wait to long the icing will be to dry and the sprinkles won't stick.
5. Let the cakes cool down, at best over night.

Bon appétit!!

Donnerstag, 17. Juli 2014

Zucchini Gnocchi with Zucchini Sauce

My parents grow among other things zucchini in their garden. And the last time I visited them, my suitcase was almost empty on the way back. So I filled that space with zucchinis. I ate lots of zucchini dishes in the following two weeks.

This was the first time I made gnocchi. I think they turned out pretty good. And it isn't as hard to make them as I thought.

The gnocchi themselfes didn't really taste like zucchini. But I already thought that would be the case, hence the zucchini sauce. And I was rather surprised how well the dried tomatoes went with it.


Zucchini Gnocchi with Zucchini Sauce


20 g pine nuts
1 jar dried tomatoes, in oil
3 scallions
150 g zucchini
1/4 cup olive oil

1. Fry the pine nuts in a frying pan without oil until they are gold braun. Put aside for later.
2. Let the tomatoes drip off and cut them into small pieces. Put aside for later.
3. Wash the scallions and dab them dry. Cut them into slices. Put aside for later.
4. Bring water in a small sauce pan to a boil.
5. Wash the zucchini and dab it dry. Cut it into rough slices.
6. Blanch the zucchini in the boiling water for about 30 seconds. Take them out and let them drip off.
7. Put the zucchini with the oil in a foodprocessor and blend them together until they reach a creamy consistency.
8. Season with salt and pepper.


4 cups zucchini
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup basil
3 tsp lemon zest
1 1/2 cups ricotta
2 egg yolks
1/4 cup parmesan
1 1/2 cups flour
1/4 tsp pepper

1. Grate the zucchini.
2. Put the zucchini into a colander and mix the salt in. Leave it for at least 20 minutes. Squeeze as much water out of the zucchini as you can. First with bare hands, than with a paper towel.
3. Chop the basil.
4. Grate the lemon zest.
5. Grate the parmesan.
6. Put the zucchini, the basil, the zest, the ricotta, the egg yolks and the parmesan into a bowl and mix it together with a wooden spoon.
7. Season with pepper.
8. Add flour until the dough reaches a consistency with wich you can work. The less flour you use so much the better.
9. Dust your working surface generously with flour.
10. Roll the dough into 2,5 cm thick strings. Cut the string into 2 cm thick pieces. If you want, you can roll the pieces over a gnocchi board or use a fork to get the typical grooves.
11. Bring water to a boil in big sauce pan.
12. Put the gnocchi in the pan and cook them until they swim at the top. Stir constantly.
13. Take the gnocchi out with a slotted ladle.

Serve the gnocchi with the sauce and the pine nuts, the scallions and the tomatoes strewn on top.

Bon appétit!!

Montag, 14. Juli 2014

Carrot-Orange Soup with Shrimps

I got these recipe from the Frankfurter Book Fair. They were handig out samples in edible soup bowls.

Of course they were rather stingy with the shrimps. But really the original recipe didn't demand all that many, especially if you consider the amount of the soup. So I changed it up to my taste. Less soup, more shrimps.


Carrot-Orange Soup with Shrimps

1 leek
800 g carrots
200 g potatoes, floury
200 ml orange juice, more according to taste
500 ml vegetable broth
120 ml milk, more according to taste
500 g shrimps
1 garlic clove
olive oil

1. Wash the shrimps and dab them dry. Cut the shrimps into smaller pieces.
2. Peel the garlic clove and mince it.
3. Heat some oil in frying pan. Fry the shrimps with the garlic. Leave them for later.
4. Cut the green leafs and the root of the leek. Wash it thorougly and dry it.
5. Cut the leek into ca.0,5 cm thick slices. Put them in a big sauce pan.
6. Peel the carrots and the potatoes.
7. Cut the carrots into thin slices and add them to the leek.
8. Cut the potatoes into rough relatively small pieces. Put them into the sauce pan.
9. Add some oil and season with salt and pepper. Fry the vegetables for a few minutes. Make sure you don't let the leek scorch.
10. Add the vegetable broth and the 200 ml orange juice.
11. Cover the sauce pan and let it simmer over a medium-high heat for 20-25 minutes.
12. Take the sauce pan of the stove. Blend the vegetables with a blender shaft.
13. Add the milk and blend it in. Depending on how thin you like your soup you can add more milk and/or orange juice.
14. Season with salt, pepper and curry.
15. Add the shrimp to the soup and stir it in.

Bon appétit!!

Mittwoch, 9. Juli 2014

Potato Wedges with Dip

I seldom eat potatoes. Mostly because pasta and rice are so much less hassle and you can just store them on a shelf.
But these are great and practically no work. And Ajvar is always yummy.

I fryed the wegdes the next day and they still tasted great. And if you have some dip left, just use it as spread on a slice of bread.


Potato Wedges with Dip

Potato Wedges

ca. 1,2 kg early potatoes, waxy
4 tbsp olive oil
3 garlic cloves
1 1/2 tbsp rosemary
paprika powder

1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 °C/390 °F.
2. Wash the potatoes thoroughly and rub them dry.
3. Cut the potatoes lengthwise into thin wedges. 
4. Strip the garlic cloves and cut them into thin slices.
5. Put the wedges into a big bowl and add the oil, the garlic and the rosemary. Season with salt, pepper and paprika powder. Mix everything together, so that the potato wedges are thoroughly coated.
6. Place baking parchment on a baking sheet.
7. Spread the wedges on the baking sheet.
8. Bake the potatoes for 40 minutes.


150 g quark, lowfat
250 g Ajvar

1. Mix the quark and the Ajvar.
2. Season with salt and pepper.

Bon appétit!!


Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014

Mamas Birthday Cake

Creating this cake was a collection of disasters. But I got to say the end result was better this way.

It started already with the shopping. Instead of buying frozen currants I grabed cranberries. But ok. In combination with the Mixed Berries it still tasted good.
The cream I made stayed fluid for to long because of the chocolate bars I used. But that was ok too. I worked on other things in the mean time. So in the end it was solid enough to work with it.
With the recipe I used there was a lot of chocolate dough. I had to bake a few layers. And there is were the next disaster comes in. After taking one layer out of the pan I wanted to turn it on its head to detach the bottom of the pan. It still was rather warm so I used towels. I think you can guess what happend. During the turn it slide out of my hand. And there went one of the layers. But that was ok. Thanks to the recipe I still had enough that where whole.
I planed to cover the cake completely with fondant. It was my second time using fondant. After the first try worked out quite good I was optimistic. It was a catastroph. It turnd out to dry and ripped during the covering. I couldn't repair it and when I took it of some of the cream came of too. I had to throw it away. What a waste. But even that was ok. There was still some left over chocolate cake layer. I or rather my mother broke that into fine crumbs and coated the cake with it. When we ate the cake the crumbs really added to the flavor.

So like I said a collection of disasters. But still a tasty cake.
You should take this as an incentive to keep on going even when something doesn't work out at first or at all. If you hang on you might get a reward at the end.

But on the plus side the orchids worked out on the first try. I made the stencils for them myself. I cut them out of some sturdy plastic sheets. It takes a little longer to always cut out the individual leaves with a knife. But it's way cheaper and I can make them in any size I want.

I really liked this one. It tasted great. But it should be eaten at room temperature. If it's cold the flavor of the cream is too intense and smothers the rest.

The flower bouquet on the picture was a gift from my father to my mother. It was so gorgeous especially the rose. If I had known he would buy flowers in bright green and orange I would have color coordinated my orchids with them. Bet it would have looked pretty good in green instead of blue too. But whatever!

Oh, I almost forgot! I tried out something new. Cake strips. I don't know where I read about them but I remembered how they work. And they do really work. The chocolate cake layers stay perfectly flat. I used a homemade version made out of a cut up terry cloth towel and a saftey pin. 
Totally worth the extra work. I will use it more often from now on.

I like to make the photos for this blogg when I'm visiting my parents. The light is better. There are more places to arrange the food. And my mom got so many nice and different dishes. I'm jeaulous. I would like to buy some more too. But my apartment is already bursting at the seams.
I'm so sad.


Mamas Birthday Cake 

Mixed Berry Curd

300 g mixed berries, frozen
300 g cranberries, frozen
1 1/3 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp cornstarch
6 eggs
4 tbsp butter
lemon juice, freshly squeezed

1. Let the berries thaw.
2. Combine the berries, the sugar, the cornstarch and the sugar in a sauce pan. And bring everything to a boil. Mash the berries during the cooking with a wooden spoon.
3. Add the eggs and stir everything. Boil the mixture for 1 minute.
4. Add the butter and let it boil until the butter has melted completely.
5. Take the pan of the stove. 
6. Press the mixture through a fine sieve. Let the curd cool down.
7. Squeeze out one or two lemons. Add the juice to the curd, depending on how sour you want it.
8. Cover the curd with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for at least 3 hours. In the fridge the curd can be stored for a few days.

Chocolate Frosting

250 ml whipping cream
70 g butter

1. Chop the Chocolate Bar into rough pieces.
2. Bring the whipping cream in a sauce pan to a light boil and pour it over the chocolate. Make sure that it is cover completely in the cream.
3. Leave it for about 5 minutes and stir everything afterwards.
4. Let the ganache cool down. When the consistency is thick and almost doesn't flow anymore, you can go on.
5. Beat the butter with a hand mixer until it's light and fluffy.
6. Add the butter to the ganache and mix it well.

Chocolate Batter

170 g butter, soft
1/3 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup boiling water
1 1/8 cups sugar
7 g vanilla sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup milk

1. Sift the cocoa powder and whisk in the boiling water.
2. Beat the eggs lightly.
3. Combine the flour, the cornstarch, the baking soda and salt. Sift it all together.
4. Cream the butter with a hand mixer until it's light and fluffy.
5. Gradually beat in the sugar and vanilla sugar. Beat it for about 3-4 minutes, scrap the batter twice from the sides of the bowl.
6. Gradually add the eggs and mix it well.
7. Add the milk to the cocoa and mix it.
8. Add the flour and cocoa mixture alternately to the batter. Start and finish with the flour.
9. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/360°F.
10. Grease the baking pan (20cm) and dust it with cocoa powder. If you want to use a Cake strip, put it on the baking pan.
11. Divide the batter in three portions. Twice 2/5 and one time 1/5. Pour one of the 2/5 portions into the pan.
12. Bake the cake for ca. 35-40 minutes.
13. Put the baking pan on a cooling rack for about 10 minutes. Afterwards take the cake out of the pan and leave it to cool on a cooling rack.
14. Repeat the process twice with the remaining batter.
15. Break the 1/5 cake into rough pieces. Leave them out to dry.


1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
5 eggs

1. Sift the flour twice. Leave the flour in a sieve, ready for use.
2. Carefully separate the egg white from the yolk.
3. Beat the egg yolks until they are pale. Cover the eggs with a plastic wrap, it should rest directly on the eggs. Put them in the fridge.
4. Put the egg whites in a small container and cover it with a lid or with plastic wrap. Put the container in a freezer and leave it there for at least 45 minutes. The egg whites can stay in the freezer until they congeal a little bit on the sides. 
5. Pre-heat the oven to 195°C/385°F.
6. Line a baking sheet with baking parchment.
7. Whip the egg whites and the citric acid powder manually. Preferably use a spiral whisk or a normal whisk, if you don't have one. It's important that you don't turn the bowl while you whip the eggs and you always have to beat in the same direction. Basically you have to repeat one hand movement the whole time.
8. After 10 minutes start gradually adding the sugar. Overall the egg whites should be whipped for 25 minutes.
9. Carefully add the egg yolks and briefly fold them in.
10. Add half of the flour to the whipped egg whites. Carefully but quickly fold in. Add the remaining flour and fold it in too. Like with the egg whites you should not turn the bowl and fold in the same direction. Work rather quickly but always be careful.
11. Spread the batter quickly on the baking parchment. Try to make it as even as possible. Don't make it much thicker than 1 cm. It's better if you leave some of the batter over than make it to thick.
12. Bake the biskuit for ca. 18 minutes. When you press it lightly and it springs back than the biskuit is finished.
13. Take the baking sheet out of the oven. Turn the biskuit around, detach the baking parchment and turn it with the parchment back.

To Assemble

1. Put one of the chocolate cakes on a plate.
2. With a spoon carefully pour some of the curd on it. 
3. Spread some of the chocolate cream on top.
4. Cut the edges of the biskuit of, so that you will get an even rectangle. Divide the short side in three even pieces and cut it lengthways.
5. Coat the biskuit generously with the curd.
6. Take one of the biskuit strips and roll it up from the short side. Add another strip to the end of the roll and roll it up too. Repeat the process with the third strip.
7. Put the roll upright on the prepared chocolate cake.
8. Spread some chocolate cream on top of the roll. 
9. With a spoon carefully pour some of the curd on the cream.
10. Put the second chocolate cake on top.
11. Cover the cake with the remaining chocolate cream. Coat it evenly.
12. Finely crumble the roughly broken chocolate cake.
13. Coat the cake with the crumbles from all sides.
14. If you wish, dekorate the cake with fondant.
15. Store the cake in the fridge. Serve at room temperature.

For this recipe you have to use a small baking pan, 20 cm or smaller. Otherwise when you put it on the chocolate cake the biskuit roll would not be big enough to reach the edges.

Bon appétit!!

Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014

Crock Pot Mandarin Chicken Legs

And here is another Crock Pot meal. This time with chicken, mainly because I had some in my freezer.
They asked for molasses in the original recipe, but I've never seen that in german stores and I don't know with what to substitute it. So I just left it out. I liked it.

I really need some more different dishes. I think I already used this plate in four other pictures.


Crock Pot Mandarin Chicken Legs

Chicken Legs

4 chicken leg quarters
3 red bell peppers
1/2 cup vegetable broth
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup ketchup
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp mustard
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp garlic powder

1. Skin the chicken leg quarters.
2. Spread the legs at the bottom of the pot.
3. Wash and dry the bell peppers.
4. Cut off the top of the peppers and clean them out. Quarter the bell peppers and cut the pieces into stripes afterwards.
5. Evenly spread the peppers over the chicken.
6. Mix the broth, the juice, the ketchup, the soy sauce, the mustard, salt and garlic powder together.
7. Pour the mixture over the chicken.
8. Cook everything on LOW for 6 hours.


1 cup juice from the chicken legs
2 tbsp cornstarch
ca. 330 g mandarins, drip-off weight
1 tbsp mandarin juice
1 cup peas, frozen
2 scallions

1. Wash and dry the scallions.
2. Cut them into rings and put them aside for later.
3. Drain the mandarins. Reserve 1 tbsp of the juice.
4. Take the chicken and the peppers out of the pot and measure out 1 cup of the juice
5. Bring the juice to a boil.
6. Mix the mandarin juice with the cornstarch. Stir it into the boiling juice.
7. Add the peas and the scallions and stir everything.
8. Let the sauce boil for about 3 minutes, so it can thicken.
9. When the sauce is ready add the mandarins and mix everything together.

Serve the chicken, the bell peppers and the sauce with pasta or rice.

Bon appétit!!