Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014

Salmon Skewer with Mojito Salad

I love these dressing. It's so fresh and fruity. Ideal for the summer.

The original recipe asked for tequila. I actually planed to buy some, but then I stumbled over a ready made mojito cocktail. It was cheaper, so I bought that instead. But it was better this way. Cause I also needed limes. But I couldn't find them anywhere. It seems they are to expensive at the moment, so the dealer don't buy them. But there is already lime juice in the mojito, lucky me! The mint adds a nice note too.

The fish goes rather well with the salad. But really the skewers are more work than they are worth.

The photos did't work out at all this time. I try to take them while the sun is still out. But this time it was already dark and I had to use the flash light. It doesn't look as appetizing as it actually was. I'm disappointed with myself.


Salmon Skewer with Mojito Salad

Mojito Dressing

2 tbsp lemon juice, freshly squeezed
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp mojito cocktail
1/4 cup olive oil
3/4 bund of parsley

1. Put lemon juice, honey and mojito cocktail into a food processor and blend it together.
2. Rip the parsley leaves of. Put them in the processor and blend them as fine as possible.
3. Add the oil. Blend everything together


red and green lettuce
cherry tomatoes

1. Wash and dry all ingredients.
2. Rip the lettuce in rough pieces.
3. Cut the tomatoes into halves.
4. Cut the scallion into slices.
5. Put everything into a salad bowl.

Salmon Skewer

ca. 16 wood skewer
500 g salmon filet
1 tbsp oregano
2 tsp sesame
1 tsp cumin
1/4 tsp pepper flakes
2 lemons
1 tsp salt
olive oil

1.Wash the salmon and dab it dry.
2. Let the skewer soak in water.
3. Cut the salmon into cubes, about 2 cm big.
4. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
5. Heat the grill and brush it with some oil.
6. Mix the oregano, the sesame, the cumin and the pepper together.
7. Use two skewer and spit a salmon piece on them, then a fold a lemon slice and spit it on too. Then
repeat with two more salmon pieces and a lemon slice. Each skewer should always start and finish with the salmon.
8. Coat the finished skewer with a little oil.
9. Sprinkle them with some salt.
10. Sprinkle them with the seasoning.
11. Grill the skewer from both sides for about 8-10 minutes.

Bon appétit!!

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