Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

Lemon Ginger Honey Tea

This april it's really warm. The sun is shining! The birds are singing! The flowers are blossoming! And I managed to catch a cold. Well done Julia!

All in all it's not that bad. The worst is the sore throat. Especially in the mornings. And this is where this sweet little elixir comes in. Sadly it's not a cure, but it does soothe the throat. And tastes great while doing it.

I'm not going to give you fixed quantities in this recipe. For one it's so simple that it's really not necessary. And for another you can mix it to your taste. Add more ginger if you want it spicier, more lemon for a sour tea and more of the honey if you have a sweet tooth.
By rule of thumb just use about the same amount of ginger and lemon and add the honey until all the gaps are filled.

I would recommend a stronger, darker honey. You wont be able to taste a more subtle honey, like acacia. If you have an older honey that's already crystallized, use it. It takes a little longer but it will dissolve after about a day in the mixture.

The only drawback here is that, if you consider the amount of ingredients that go in, you only get out a small volume of the actual tea. But it's still worth it.
When (not if, cause really there is no if) you decide, that you love this. You'll want to make more. But if you make so much, that it lasts for more than three days. You should sieve out the lemon and ginger pieces. The juice will keep for another two or three days in the fridge.


Lemon Ginger Honey Tea

Lemon (organic)

1. Peel the ginger. Cut it into thin slices.
2. Peel of the zest of the lemons. With organic lemons you can leave the zest. Just wash them beforehand with hot water and dab them dry.
3. Cut the lemons into thick slices. Quarter the slices.
4. Layer the honey, the ginger and the lemon. Make a few thin layers.
5. You should add enough honey to fill the gaps.
6. Place the jar in the fridge. Shake it every few hours.
7. The tea is ready after about a day or after the honey is dissolved.
8. Use a spoon to mash the lemons a little to squeeze out more the juice.
9. Pour one or two tablespoons into a tea cup. Fill it with hot water.
10. Enjoy!

Bon appétit!!

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