Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Stuffed Onions

I was always a little more sensitive when it comes to onions then most. But lately it's getting ridiculous. By now I even react to scallions. It's a real shame because I love onions in my dishes.
I try to use my food processor as often as possible. It doesn't eliminate the problem but it makes it better.

While preparing the onions I had to wash out my eyes at least 8 times. Afterwards my face was bright red. And I really mean my whole face and not just around my eyes. I'm in no hurry to repeat that experience.

I like the stuffing. It's a really good combination. But you shouldn't eat more than one stuffed onion. All in all the dish contains a lot of onion. If you eat to much your throat will hurt afterwards.


Stuffed Onions

5 spanish onions (large, mild onions)
2 red bell peppers
200 g green olives, stuffed with pepper paste
250 g feta
4 tsp oregano
olive oil

1. Carefully trim the root end of the onions. Cut of the cap of the onions and skin them afterwards.
2. Hollow out the onions, be careful not to break or damage them.
3. Bring salt water to a boil in a big sauce pan.
4. Cook the onions in it for about 15 minutes. They should be soft, but not falling apart.
5. Take the onions out and let them drip off. Put them aside for later.
6. Roughly cube the onion innards.
7. Wash and dry the bell peppers. Hollow them out and cut them into fine cubes.
8. Put the olives in a colander and let them drip off. Cut them roughly into cubes.
9. Heat the oil in a skillet. Fry the cut onions and peppers for 5-7 minutes.
10. Add the olives to the rest in the last minute or two.
11. Crumble the feta or alternatively cut it into fine cubes.
12. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C/360°F.
13. Mix everything together.
14. Season with salt, pepper and oregano.
15. Stuff the onions with the mixture.
16. Grease a casserole dish with some olive oil.
17. Spread the left over mixture in the dish. Place the stuffed onions on top.
18. Bake the onions for about 45-50 minutes.

Bon appétit!!

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