Dienstag, 5. August 2014

Zucchini Pizza

Well, if you are looking for a healthy pizza dough substitute, you won't find it here. There is just to much cheese for that. Way too much for my taste, so I reduced it some.
The dough doesn't really get crusty like normal pizza dough, it's more along the line of a casserole.

I didn't use normal pizza sauce. I have a dry bruschetta mix you make with some oil. I love it. I always have it on hand, something less to buy, and it's not to strong when you only have a minimum of toppings.

Since this was about the "dough", I chose a topping that wouldn't overpower the taste of it. The "margarita" topping goes really well on the zucchini pizza. The problem is that it's to wet. I had to dab of some of the excess water from the tomatoes. I would say dry toppings are more suitable for this.



Zucchini Pizza

4 cups zucchini
2 eggs
3/4 cup mozzarella
3/4 cup gouda
1/3 cup parmesan
1 tsp salt
topping of your choice

1. Wash and dry the zucchini.
2. Grate the zucchini, make it as fine as possible.
3. Put the zucchini in a colander, season with salt and leave it for at least 20 minutes.
4. Squeeze out as much water as you can.
5. Pre-heat the oven to 205°C/400°F.
6. Put baking parchment on a baking sheet.
7. Grate the mozzarella, the gouda and the parmesan.
8. Put the zucchini, the cheese and the eggs into a bowl. Mix everything together.
9. Spread the "dough" evenly on the baking sheet.
10. Bake it for 20 minutes.
11. Take the sheet out of the oven and spreed the prepared toppings on it.
12. Bake the pizza for another 15 minutes.

Bon appétit!!

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