Dienstag, 4. August 2015

Arugula Salad with Sweet Potato and Wild Rice

I seldom use arugula. There are different reasons for it. Mostly because it is harder to come by then the usual lettuce varieties. It's also more difficult to store it at home. (On Pinterest I found something that could help with that problem. You have to put some of the arugula in a small plastic bag, blow air into it until it's completely inflated, twist the bag close and secure it with a plastic clip. That way the salad should stay fresh for a few days. The drawback is that it occupies a lot of space in the fridge. I didn't have the chance to try it out yet. But there is always a next time.)
But taste definitely isn't one of the reasons it's a rare visiter in my kitchen. It has it's own distinct flavour. Even a little arugula in a simple mixed salad can give the whole dish some spice. I'm sure I will use it more often in the future.

I think this was the first time I ever used sweet potatoes. It's not an ingredient that was common in my family. And even now that I live alone, I still use most of the same ingredients that were more or less standard while I grew up. It's not that easy to change some habits, even when you're open to new things (like I actually am).
Now back to the potatoes. In combination with the arugula I quite liked them. And I think I would use them again. But more as a part of a dish, then as the actual main ingredient.

The original recipe asked for pure wild rice. I substituted it with a long grain and wild rice blend. For one it's cheaper, really wild rice costs almost three to four times as much as the blend. And personally I think it tastes a little grassy. It just would be to much.


Arugula Salad with Sweet Potato and Wild Rice


1/4 cup lemon juice, freshly squeezed
2 small lemons, zest
1/4 cup olive oil
1 1/2 tsp agave syrup
2 garlic cloves
1/4 tsp salt

1. Wash the lemons and dab them dry. Grate the zest of the lemons.
2. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons.
3. Peel the garlic cloves. Mince them finely.
4. Combine all the ingredients in a high slender bowl.
5. Use a blender to puree them all together.

Salad Ingredients

1/3 cup long grain and wild rice blend, raw
1 sweet potato, small
3 cups baby arugula 
1/3 cup cashew, salted
1 tbsp olive oil
1/4-1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

1. Cook the rice according to package instructions. Drain it in a sieve.
2. Add a little of the prepared dressing to the rice. Mix it well together and let it cool down completely. That way the rice will absorb the flavour.
3. Pre-heat the oven to 175°C/350°F.
4. Put baking parchment on a baking sheet.
5. Peel the sweet potato. Cut it into cubes, about 1cm high. Spread the potato cubes on the baking sheet.
6. Drizzle the olive oil over the potatoes and season it with cayenne pepper, pepper and salt. Stire the potatoes until they are evenly coated with the oil and the seasoning. Afterwards evenly scatter them out on the baking sheet.
7. Roast the sweet potatoes for about 20-25 minutes. Stir them once or twice to keep them from burning.
8. Let the potatoes cool down a little.
9. Wash the arugula and dab it dry. Cut it in half, that way it will be easier to eat.

To Assemble

1. Combine the rice, the roasted sweet potaoes, the cashew and arugula in a big bowl.
2. Add the remaining dressing to the salad and toss everything together.

The salad tastes best if you serve it when the potatoes are still lukewarm.

Bon appétit!!